# Webpack

Webpack takes care of building the project and monitoring file changes, as well as launching a live reload server. Each time you change a source file in the project, Webpack will notice and build the relevant parts of the project. See Develop & Build for more info.

# Entry points

Webpack uses entry points to build a project. Our global entry point is src/js/all.js. In there, all files (CSS, JS and Templates) are listed and will be built on change.

When you add a file to the project (let's say myFunction.ts), make sure that this file is added to the entry point as well. So in all.js, add the following line:

import "./functions/myFunction.ts";

The same goes for scss and pug files. Note the difference in path, since our entry point is in js, we have to traverse up the folder structure to reach the item.

import "../templates/template.twig";
import "../sass/style.scss";

# Output

All output will go to public_html. In there, you'll have:

Folder What's in it
_proto All compiled templates / pages in HTML
dist/css/ The compiled CSS bundle
dist/img/ All images used somewhere in templates or CSS
dist/js/ The compiled javascript bundle


Never ever edit files in public_html/dist/js, public_html/dist/css or public_html/_proto directly, since these will be overwritten the moment when there's a change made in one of the source files and Webpack is active. Work from the source files only.