# Bruut Validator deprecated


This plugin is now deprecated. You can switch (pretty easily) to the new Bruut Validate plugin See the readme for more details on switching from Bruut-Validator to Bruut-Validate.

# Bruut Validator

This plugin adds the functionality to validate input fields on the client-side, before submitting a form.

# 1. Install the plugin

Installing via npm:

$ npm install bruut-validator --save-dev

Use it in your code:

import {Validator} from 'bruut-validator';

const form       = document.getElementById('myForm');
const validator  = new Validator( form );

# 2. Basic usage

Let’s start with the most simple example:

<form id="myForm" novalidate autocomplete="off">
	<input type="text" v-name="myInput" v-props="required, max-length:3">

This field will be checked on keyup to check if there’s a value at all (required) in v-props and if it has a max-length of 4. The v-name attribute can be omitted, but the name attribute has to be unique for every input field or input group.

Takeaway : Use a unique v-name or the name attribute to add a field to the validator plugin. Use the v-props attribute to add checks to this field, seperated by a comma.

# Available checks

# For input (text) fields:

Check What it does Regex pattern
required Checks if any value exists
min-length:(int) Checks a minimum length
max-length:(int) Checks a maximum length
characters:alpha Checks if value only contains alpha characters. /^[a-zA-Z]*$/
characters:alphaspace Checks if value only contains alpha characters or spaces. /^[a-zA-Z\s]*$/
characters:alphaspacedash Checks if value only contains alpha characters or spaces or dashes. /^[a-zA-Z\s-]*$/
characters:numeric Checks if value only contains numeric characters.
email Checks for a proper email address.
postcode Checks for a ‘dutch style’ ZIP code (0000 AA)
date Checks for a date in the following pattern: DD-MM-YYYY / DD-MM-YY

# For checkbox / radio groups (requires a Field Group):

Check What it does
min-checked:(int) Checks a minimum checked amount of items
max-checked:(int) Checks a maximun checked amount of items and stops the user from checking any more items once exceeding the max-checked treshold.

# Special checks (requires a Field Group):

Check What it does
match-password Matches two inputs for the exact same value

# Select field:

Check What it does
required Checks if the selected option isn’t the default or empty option.

Requires the following structure:

<div class=“form-element”>
	<select name="mySelect" v-props="required">
		<option value=“”>Choose…</option>
		<option value=“myValue”>My option</option>

The plugin will check if the select has a other option selected than the option with no value (length 0). If so, the select returns true for validated. Be sure to add values to the other options.

The plugin handles only single selects (select-one) at the moment.

# 3. Specials (Field Groups, Combine Fields)

# Field Group

The field group is used to group fields (inputs and radio / checkbox) together and add validation to the group.

Example: Matching passwords

A basic example for matching passwords, using the match-password check:

<div class="form-group" v-group="group:match, match-password">
	<div class="form-element">
		<input type="password" v-group-child="match" v-name="password1" v-props="required, min-length:2">
	<div class="form-element">
		<input type="password" v-group-child="match" v-name="password2" v-props="required, min-length:2">

We created a wrapper with the v-group attribute. Define a group: name and add the match-password check to this group as well (hence the comma!)

In the wrapper, we have two password inputs. They will have the v-group-child attribute with the group name of v-group. If you want full control, you can validate the individual password inputs as well, using v-name and v-props. This is useful for custom error / success messages for the individual inputs and the group.

Example: Checkboxes Another basic example, to validate a group of checkboxes:

<div class="form-element" v-group="group:myCheckboxes, min-checked:1, max-checked: 2">
	<input type="checkbox" v-group-child="myCheckboxes">
	<input type="checkbox" v-group-child="myCheckboxes">
	<input type="checkbox" v-group-child="myCheckboxes">
	<input type="checkbox" v-group-child="myCheckboxes">

Again, a wrapper is created for the group, with the name myCheckboxes. There must be between 1 and 2 items checked to pass the validation for this group.

# Combine Field

Sometimes, you want to combine values from different inputs to check if the combined value matches a certain pattern. You can do so with Combine Fields, where you can ‘glue’ various input values to a other input field. A basic example:

<div class="form-element">
	<input type="text" v-name="birthDateDay" v-combine="birthDate" v-props="characters:numeric, max-length:2">
<div class="form-element">
	<input type="text" v-name="birthDateMonth" v-combine="birthDate" v-props="characters:numeric, max-length:2">
<div class="form-element">
	<input type="text" v-name="birthDateYear" v-combine="birthDate" v-props="characters:numeric, min-length:4, max-length:4">

As you can see, we use a v-combine property in the fields. With this property, we tell a other input with the same name in the v-glue-result property to check the value against a validator:

<div class="form-element">
	<input type="text" v-glue-result="birthDate" v-glue-character="-" v-props="date">

Here, we use the v-glue-result attribute to fetch the v-combine fields with the same name. The v-glue-character attribute allows you to add a character between the values of each input. In our example, a completely filled in field group will result in this value in the v-glue-result input: 00-00-0000. We validate this value with the (Dutch) date check.

# 4. Submitting / Validating the form

Each Field that has a v-name and each Field Group that has the v-group="group:(name) attribute set will be validated on keyup or change. If you add a submit button to the form, it will automatically validate before submitting. If there are still errors, the submit will be prevented. If you want to bypass the standard behaviour, set the option handleSubmitButton to false and write your own logic, like so:

const button = document.getElementById('mySubmitButton');

button.addEventListener('click, (e) => {

	if(validator.validate()) validator.form.submit;

A few things to note: We’re calling the validate() method, that will return a boolean, stating the validation process. If there are no errors, we submit the real form, by calling the form property on the FormValidate instance.

# 5. Adding error and success messages

Included in the plugin is a way to show success and error messages per Field or Field Group (or even both 😃 ). The basic setup requires a element with the v-errors attribute attached:

<ul class="errors hidden" v-errors>
	<li v-error-for=“myField”>Geen geldig e-mailadres</li>
	<li v-ok-for="myField"></li>

The v-error-for and v-ok-for allows you to come up with custom messages (or even custom HTML, if you feel fancy). Add the name of your Field : (v-name=“myField”) or Field Group : (v-group="group:myGroupName).

The content will be injected in any element (inside the form) with the v-message-for attribute:

<div v-message-for="myField"></div>

# 5.1 Adding error messages per validation rule on the field or fieldGroup

Added in 1.1.0

You can also display error messages per validation rule per field. Add a :validator_rule after the name of the field or fieldGroup to enable this feature.

Let's say we have this structure:

<div class="form-element">
	<input type = "text" class = "input" name = "my_field" v-props = "required, min-length:2, max-length:5">

As you can see we have multiple validation rules on this field. You can assign messages for each of this validation rules on a per field basis:

<ul class="errors hidden" v-errors>
	<li v-error-for=“my_field”>Please check my field.</li>
	<li v-error-for=“my_field:required”>My field is required!</li>
	<li v-error-for=“my_field:min-length”>My field must be a minimum of two characters.</li>
	<li v-error-for=“my_field:max-length”>My field must have a maximum of 5 characters.</li>

If you also provide a my_field error message, this will display as long as the field has errors, along with the detailed validation rule error messages.

# 5.2 Adding a form message

If you would like to add a message for the entire form, you can use the reserved form as v-error-for, v-ok-for and v-message-for. Don’t use this keyword for other fields.

# 6. Extending FormValidate with your own validators

You can add your own validator logic to the plugin (only on single input fields) for now. Let’s make a validator for a hex value which will validate if the value in a field is a hex value, starting with a # and 3 or 6 characters:

validator = new Formvalidate( form );

	validatorName: 	'hexValidator',
	onEvent: 		'keyup',
	logic: 	function(dataFromTemplate, fieldValue, field) {
		var pattern = /^#?([a-f0-9]{6}|[a-f0-9]{3})$/;
		return (pattern.test(fieldValue));

the validatorName is used in the v-props attribute of your field. onEvent will let you determine when to validate (keyup | change). The logic is a function that has 3 parameters: dataFromTemplate, fieldValue and field. You must return a true or false value for your custom validator to work properly.

  • dataFromTemplate | If you use for example v-props=“hex:6”, this parameter will return 6. If you don’t work with a value behind the validatorName, this will return null.

  • fieldValue | This will return the current value in the field on each iteration of the event in onEvent (each keyup, or each change).

  • field | The DOM representation of the field.

You can use this new validator in your markup as follows:

<input type="text" v-name="myHexField" v-props="required, hexValidator">